Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bad titles for Journal/ Conference Papers

"What's the point: Bush is just going to send them all away to get killed anyway" - David


  1. How about

    "Friends: Why don't psychological researchers have them? A deficiency hypothesis for socially deficient smart people."

  2. I'm a big fan of question marks, especially when they're necessary.

  3. Your comment is totally necessary. I really like it.

  4. I really like your name, Rick. Helps me know what not to name my children.

  5. I think the dingo ate your baby.
    The DINGO ate your baby!

    "Comparison: The Final Frontier. These are the Voyages of the Optimal Learning Lab. It’s 5 year mission- to explore strange new concepts, to seek out new theories and new models, to boldly go where no researcher has gone before."

  6. Hey, Luno. I like your name. I'm going to call you moon-pie.

  7. "Don't you hate that feeling?: The deleterious effects of cacti bristles in the nasal cavity while studying."

  8. "Hanging Indents: A swinging essay about paragraphs."

  9. "What's a meta 4? There are more than 3 and less than 5 types of literary figures of speech."

  10. Dunbar, excuse me, Danbo and I had our paper entitled “What do you think?: A Null Hypothesis Speaks." - accepted for publishing with The Saskatchewan Weekly Journal of Pesticide Ingestion and Holiday Novelty. Congrats again Dimpy, I mean Dando.

  11. Self-driven brass instrument auditory emanation using Auto Tooter

  12. Hey Loony, excuse me, Linda. I was going to announce that piece of good news at our surprise congratulations party I was throwing for us, so thanks for ruining it. Please refrain from emailing my family. I have ordered dozens of copies to send out as Christmas cards to everyone. Don't screw that up too. Thanks again Lump, I mean Loser.

  13. "Behaviorism: No Matter What You Say, We Hate You. We Study The Mind. That's Why We're so Closed-Minded."

    Submitted to The Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, and How to Find the Best Dog Trainer for Your Dog Newsletter.

  14. "One sick puppy: Fyukyu's Coughing Syndrome in beagles produces vocal aberrations resembling human coughs disguising derogatory comments."

  15. "Really good sects: A comparative analysis of intimate Mormon apparel"

    "Fat stats: Gaining weight using Likert scales."

    "The Burrowed Frow: Examining consternation in dyslexic German female groundhogs"

    "Colon blows: Overusing punctuation in shitty titles sucks."

  16. For those who didn't get my 3rd one... frow is "frau" the German word for woman. Now go back and look and see that title in a whole funnier light and see the juicy humory goodness.

  17. "Language: Fact or diction?"

    "How do you dew: A light rain analysis."

    "A summary of Pecans in a nutshell"


    "Add renal: Summing up catecholamines and corticosteroids. I'm not kidneying around."

    If you don't get the last one, you didn't say it out loud, and that's not my problem. I mean, oh, you're totally brilliant.

  18. So now we're redirecting posts? Here's mine ... for those that didn't get my "Fyukyu's" gag from my last post, here it is again ... Fyukyu ...

  19. "Spellbound mimes:semim dnuoblleps: A look at mirrors, and their impersonating abilities when provoked, and ignored."

  20. Yes men at the FedEx Institute of Technology: The aye-aye-S.

  21. But the FedEx Institute of Technology isn't in Mississoppi, is it?

  22. "Paraphrusion: Paraphrasing Fusion"

  23. "Basil ganglia: pungent pugilist or tasty in Thai food?"
    By Willie Nelson Mandela

    "My two scents worth: from the rooter to the tooter."

    "Embodiment is for suckers, but we keep publishing this shit anyway."

    "Can I get an A-men? Searching for church-going males with Go(o)d grades"

  24. "How Fowl: Birds answering questions about ... about? ... fowl-mouths?"

  25. "Reminder Reminders: Forgetting to Remember and the Effects on Memory"

  26. "Do You Hear What I Hear?: How Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Schizophrenia"
